Latest IAGC News and Announcements

  • 10 May 2023 3:14 PM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    Elements vol. 19, no. 1, titled Alkaline Lakes, has been published. Navigate to the Elements website to view the latest issue. Print copies will be arriving in the following weeks.

  • 2 May 2023 12:00 PM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    We are happy to announce the IAGC 2023 Award Winners! We are excited to honors these individuals for their contribution to the field of geochemistry and to the IAGC. Congratulations!

    Harmon Distinguished Service Award

    Michael Kersten, Johannes Gutenberg University

    Kharaka Award

    Shuo Zhang, Tsinghua University

    IAGC Fellow

    Philippe Négrel, French Geological Survey, BRGM

  • 10 Apr 2023 2:22 PM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    The Applied Geochemistry Excellence in Review 2022 Awards have been announced! The IAGC and AG Editorial Staff thank these outstanding reviewers for their efforts! Visit the Excellence in Review Awards Page to see the awardees.

  • 29 Mar 2023 8:08 AM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    The Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) 38th meeting abstract deadline is March 31. Explore the conference website and submit your abstracts here:

  • 20 Mar 2023 11:42 AM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    The latest issue of Elements vol. 18 no. 6 titled Exploring Jupiter's Moon Io is published online ( and will be arriving in hard copy soon!

  • 7 Feb 2023 8:41 AM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    The latest issue of Elements vol. 18, no. 5, titled Cement and Concrete: From the Romans to Mars, is available online on both the Elements website. Print copies will be arriving in up coming days and weeks!

  • 23 Jan 2023 1:18 PM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    The WRI-17/AIG-14 Meeting in Sendai, Japan (August 18 - 22, 2023) has been extended. Don't miss this great opportunity to present your research! See below for updated abstract submission dates.

    Oral Presentation: March 31, 2023

    Poster Presentation: May 31, 2023

  • 14 Nov 2022 11:00 AM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    The award nomination window is open, make a nomination today! Awards to be bestowed in 2023 include the Ebelmen Award, IAGC Fellows, the Harmon Distinguished Service Award, and others.

  • 1 Oct 2022 3:17 PM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    We are now accepting applications for the IAGC PhD Student Research Grant program, sponsored by Elsevier. PhD students can request up to $2,300 for geochemical analyses in support of their research. Proposals are due 1 December, 2022 and funds will be dispersed to winning applicants on or before 1 May of 2023. Visit the Student Research Grant page for instructions and to download the application form.

    We are also supporting a sixth proposal from a student from a low or middle income country. We are only able to do this through support from our members. If you'd like to support this initiative, you can donate during your annual dues renewal, or donate now through the button below. Just choose "PhD Student Research Grants"

    Please feel free to contact the IAGC Business Office with any questions about the grant process.

  • 22 Apr 2022 1:46 PM | Devin Smith (Administrator)

    We are happy to announce the IAGC Award winners! This year we are honoring recipients from 2022 as well as some from 2020 and 2021, which were delayed due to COVID. Look out for more information about our recipients soon!

    Vernadsky Medals
    Susan Brantley, Pennsylvania State University - 2022
    Yousif Kharaka, U.S. Geological Survey - 2020

    IAGC Fellows
    Xiangdong Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University - 2022
    Francois Chabaux, University of Strasbourg - 2022

    Ingerson Lecturer
    Martine Savard - 2022

    Jin Jingfu Lecturer|
    Yuan Mei, Australia CSRIO - 2022

    Harmon Distinguished Service Awards
    Neus Otero, Universitat de Barcelona - 2022
    Philippe Negrel, French Geological Survey (BRGM) - 2021
    Ian Cartwright, Monash University - 2020

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