Ebelmen Award

Summary of Award

The IAGC Ebelmen Award can be awarded biennially to a geochemist of particular merit and outstanding promise less than 35 years old at the time of nomination. This award, which may under exceptional circumstances be shared between two individuals, consists of a framed certificate and a cash prize of $1000 (US). The recipient will be profiled on the Association website and in the IAGC Newsletter. The IAGC will pay for the travel for the award recipient to the meeting where the award is conferred if the IAGC Treasurer determines that the Association has the financial resources to make this possible. The award recipient also will receive a complementary 1-year membership to IAGC for the year following receipt of the award. In selecting the nominees for this award, particular consideration should be given to young scientists from developing countries (i.e., not North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia and New Zealand).

Nomination Procedure

Email a completed IAGC Award Nomination Form to one of the Nomination Committee Members and cc the IAGC Business Manager at businessoffice@iagc-society.org. Nominations open annually on 1 August and are due on 31 December.

Previous Winners

Name Institution Year Newsletter Announcement
Yao DuChina University of Geosciences - CHINA2024 Number 80, June 2024
Kimberly Parker Washington University - USA 2021 Number 74, July 2021
Zimeng Wang Fudan University - CHINA 2020 Number 72, July 2020
Julien Bouchez Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris - FRANCE 2018 Number 68, August 2018
Sophie Opfergelt Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium - BELGIUM 2014 Number 60, May 2014
Qinghai Guo China University of Geosciences - CHINA 2010 Number 52, June 2010
Siefu Kebede University of Addis Ababa - ETHIOPIA 2007 Number 47, November 2007
Dana Royer Wesleyan University - USA 2007 Number 47, November 2007

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